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Student Resources During Isolation

If you’ve been asked to isolate because of a communicable disease like Whooping Cough, you might feel alone physically, but we’re here to support you through this.

If you become ill with a communicable disease:

  • Contact Boise State Public Health at or (208) 426-1523 to report your illness and to request information on Boise State’s communicable disease response, including guidance about testing and vaccination. Boise State Public Health regular office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
  • Learn more here about the Isolation and Exposure process and Boise State Public Health’s Testing Center and Vaccination Clinic.

Student Support During Isolation and Exposure


How do my instructors know I have to isolate?

Once you report your communicable disease by contacting Boise State Public Health, they will notify your instructors if, because of Whooping Cough or another communicable disease, you are unable to be in-person and on campus. No medical information will be shared with them and any absences accrued during the time period you are asked to stay away from campus will be excused. This doesn’t excuse you from completing any missed work during this time. It is important that you keep in touch with your instructors when you are able so they can help you get back on track. 

What is expected of me for my in-person classes if I can’t attend them?

Continue working on your classes remotely to the extent that you are able to do so. Ask your instructor what remote options are available to virtually attend class or for alternative ways you can complete your coursework. 

What if I need help doing courses remotely?

I’m having difficulties writing, reading, focusing, or retaining information for class.

The Educational Access Center provides academic accommodations to give you the access you need in your classes, regardless of class format. To start the process, submit a Request for Accommodations online.

I’m wondering if I should go home. Can I just continue my classes remotely during my infectious period?

Check in with your instructors to see what options are available and the impacts of you leaving. If you are living in campus housing, please make sure you contact Boise State Public Health at or (208) 426-1523 to coordinate.

I need to withdraw from one or all of my classes.

Your ability to withdraw will depend on how far along the semester or course session has progressed. You may be able to drop classes on your own, or you may need to request this. Learn more about dropping courses here. If you’re unsure about withdrawing from classes, contact your academic advisor to review your options and their academic and financial impacts.

Basic Needs

I live on campus. What will this time look like for me?

Boise State Public Health may have you move to a temporary living space so you can isolate safely or, if you have your own bedroom, work with you to isolate in place. They’ll also help you identify what else you’ll need during this time. Review the on-campus isolation section of Boise State Public Health’s Isolation page to learn more.

I need help getting food.

  • You may temporarily leave isolation to pick up food on campus.  Please wear a good fitting mask, practice social distancing, do not eat with others (take your food back to your room), and pre-order your meals with Boost to reduce the amount of time you are around others.
  • Contactless grocery and food delivery services are available as another food option during isolation. Grocery services are offered locally by vendors such as Albertsons, Fred Meyer, Walmart, and Whole Foods. You may also arrange for contactless delivery from a friend or family member.
  • Our Campus Food Pantry and other community pantries offer shelf-stable food with curbside pick up of items. Please reach out to Boise State Public Health at or (208) 426-1523 if, due to Whooping Cough, you are needing assistance in picking up items from our Campus Food Pantry.

I’m worried about not being able to work.

These resources may help. Consider finding remote work with online support from Career Services. You can also check to see if you are eligible for the Student Emergency Fund to help make ends meet.

What if I need something from campus?

Coordinate with classmates or a healthy family member/friend to retrieve needed items for you. It is important for you to follow the CDC guidelines to keep yourself and others safe right now. Contact Public Safety for further assistance.


I’m nervous about feeling lonely, anxious or bored.

You are not alone! Add some virtual activities to your schedule to look forward to: BroncoFit programs, Student Involvement events and programs, and Campus Rec’s virtual fitness classes.

Check out The Portal! The Portal is the hub for virtual activities, entertainment, relaxation, and mindfulness resources to help you stay well during your time in isolation.

For additional support with your mental health, University Health Services has counseling services available. Call (208) 426-1459 to schedule a counseling appointment or to join a no-cost counseling group. For after hours support, the Crisis Text Line can help.

I’m concerned about bias, racism, and xenophobia related to my experience.

Communicable diseases, including Whooping Cough, are not associated with any race, ethnicity, or nationality, though systemic health and social inequalities have put members of some communities at greater risk of contracting communicable disease than others. It is vital that our community work to combat discrimination based on racial bias or appearances and to correct misinformation on the spot. If you experience discrimination or harassment on campus, report it to the Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity using the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form.

I’m concerned about coming back to campus.

We encourage you to follow the guidance and stay informed about Boise State’s commitment to health/safety as we all navigate this together.